1) As a member/friend of FCUCC, I promise to continue to 'Be the Church' by participating in worship (digital or other means) & serving our neighbors.
2) I promise to be as diligent as I can about my giving to support our ministries. I will Egive (even temporarily), mail in my offering, or use the parking lot entrance mail slot.
3) I promise to practice social but not spiritual distance, remaining connected w/ my church family & letting Pastor Beth/others know about my health, spiritual & mental well-being & prayer requests.
4) I promise to keep an open mind & willing spirit in engaging church & its ministries in new ways (even if uncomfortable at first) so that, together, we continue to be a vessel of our Stillspeaking God.
5) I promise to lean on my faith in God & cling to hope to shepherd me through all the uncertainty & unknowns of this wilderness time.